30-315000 kva oil type transformer
30-315000kva oil type transformer product description: 30-315000kva oil type transformer is high-tech product that promoted by the country, the product has many advantages such as high efficiency, low loss, its social benefits are remarkable that i……
30-315000kva oil type transformer product description:
30-315000kva oil type transformer is high-tech product that promoted by the country, the product has many advantages such as high efficiency, low loss, its social benefits are remarkable that it will save much of electricity consumption and operating cost.
30-315000kva oil type transformer production video:
30-315000kva oil type transformer Product production process:
30-315000kva oil type transformer application Environment:
30-315000kva oil type transformer Suitable for indoor and outdoor application
Ambient temperature: +40°C–30°C
Relative humidity: ambient air relative humidity should be below 93%.
Max wind speed: ≤35 m/s
Earthquake acceleration: horizontal acceleration≤0.3g
vertical acceleration≤0.15g
Special conditions: customized products are available.
30-315000kva oil type transformer product Features
1. 30-315000kva oil type transformer no-load loss low, and the energy saving effect is remarkable;
2. 30-315000kva oil type transformer no-load current low, which improves the power supply quality of the grid and reduces the line loss;
3. 30-315000kva oil type transformer noise level is reduced, 30-45DB, effectively eliminating noise pollution;
4. 30-315000kva oil type transformer low loss fully sealed power transformer has super overload capability;
5. 30-315000kva oil type transformer the iron core structure is reasonable, the loss is small, and the current is small, so the temperature rise of the transformer is very low.
30-315000kva oil type transformer quality and excellence in services
A good brand must be supported by good products, but good products must be supported by an excellent service.
We provide customers with product information support from product purchasing information to other business support services. Technical support is available for a complete series of products, including product consulting, type selection & replacement, simple application & installation, and FAQ.
We have always been focussing on our users, not only ensuring the product quality, but also building an after-sale service.On the basis of training a team of high-quality service personnel, we applied a set of complete quality traceability system on the after-sale products by keeping a close contact with our customers, providing them with standardized and professional service, helping them removing the trouble back at home.